Friday, April 17, 2009


Submitted by: Burns

The thylacine, formerly native to Australia, Tasmania, and New Guinea is also known as the Tazmanian tiger or Tazmanian wolf. I say formerly because they are now extinct. Sadface.

Thylacines were the largest carnivorous marsupials in modern times. As we should know, marsupials have little belly pouches. Thylacines take it a step further as both sexes have pouches (as opposed to only females like most other marsupials). They can also open their jaws up to 120 degrees, which I suppose helps when you are chomping into kangaroos and wallabies. Adorably, thylacines were unable to run very fast due to their "awkward gait" (awww). They kind of make up for it by being able to hop on its two back legs like a kangaroo.


brooklyn_codger said...

I don't believe in this animal.

Conor - Tasmania Trip said...

believe it!

This animal became extinct in Tasmania after farmers hunted it to extinction.

I've got more info about it on my website

Another cool animal is the Tasmanian Devil