My good friend Joyce suggested "jumping jackalope", but it's hard to find facts about animals that are not real. So I made her choose again, and we ended up with flying squirrel:

I say this in the least scientific way possible: it's a squirrel with a loose fold of skin stretched out and attached to their legs (called a patagium), which is what allows them to glide. They also have GIANT eyes, I guess for nocturnal hunting purposes and also making them kind of cute. Huge eyes are very marketable in the animal kingdom, unless you're an insect (for the purposes of this blog, bugs will be considered animals).
There are no especially strange facts about flying squirrels that I could find, so we're going purely on aesthetics here. I was able to find that their meat and fur hold little to no value, and are therefore not hunted. Who eats squirrels anyway, flying or otherwise?
I think once we start getting into marine life is when we will start seeing some truly bizarre things. Keep suggesting!
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