The box jellyfish is native to the aforementioned Australia, Land of 1,000 Dooms. It is also identified by experts as the DEADLIEST CREATURE ALIVE. How do we know this? Consider the following: they have many many tentacles with which to sting you with their powerful neurotoxins. Once they sting you, the pain is excruciating...to the point that you are likely to go into shock and drown (while writhing in pain). The pain is so strong that, should you make it to shore, you will probably wish you had drowned. They are also responsible for the overwhelming majority of reported yearly marine animal related deaths, with many more deaths estimated from indigenous tribes (who don't report such things).
Why do they sting? There are chemicals on your skin that cause box jellyfish to freak out and start stinging once you touch them. Not very nice. To prevent this, Australian lifeguards wear nylon pantyhose on their arms and legs, which the jellyfish can't sting through (wetsuits don't work nearly as well, FYI). They may look silly, but not as silly as you will when spazzing on the beach uncontrollably.
As a SPOILER for a future post, Australia also has the deadliest snakes (6 of the top 10, including number 1!), many other deadly marine animals, deadly spiders, so on and so on. I haven't fact checked this yet, but even honey bees are deadly down there!
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