This beady eyed critter is the Hispaniolan Solendon, one of only a few venomous mammals. Wait...what? Yes, that's right, it has venomous saliva. They are nocturnal animals that dig complex burrows. I don't really know what else to say. But just loooooook at it! But don't touch (venom, you guys).
"As well as having a venomous bite, a solenodon has glands in the armpits and in the groin which allegedly give off a goat-like smell."
"In moments of excitement it may grunt like a pig or give bird-like cries, but when pursued it stays motionless and hides its head, making it easy to capture."
"During day hours, they stay in their burrows, trees and hollowed-out logs or in caves, remaining hidden from view. When they do come out, they run on their toes with a stiff ungainly waddle, following an erratic almost zigzag course."
This is a very weird animal, John!
NOOOOOO! This is NOT REAL!!!!!!
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