Submitted by: James V
James actually submitted spoonbill crane, but it looks like they are two separate animals, and went with spoonbill. Obviously, their most striking feature is their bills, which they use to snatch up any aquatic creature that wanders into their bills while they're wading in water. Also, while preferring fresh water, spoonbills can be found in salt water as well. So...they really don't care where they eat, or what they eat. They are picky about who they mate with, and stay monogamous throughout the mating season.
There are six species of spoonbill. There is the Common Spoonbill (found in Africa, Europe, and Asia), the Black Faced Spoonbill (also Asian), African Spoonbill (duh), Royal Spoonbill (mostly Australia, and is probably secretly deadly), Yellos Billed Spoonbill (also Australia, and also probably secretly deadly), and finally the Roseate Spoonbill (which is pink, and found in South America, Texas, and Florida).